Meet David

Sep 07

Nolan Harris

Meet David

by Nolan Harris


This week's interview is with David!

How long have you been drawing?

As far back as 2nd grade I've been filling up pages of graph paper with sketches, mazes and comics. When I got to middle school, I kept a sketchbook with me wherever I went and signed-up for every art class I could find. By high school I had basically decided that whatever career I got into, if it didn't involve drawing or creativity, I wasn't into it. I went to the University of Kansas for an illustration degree and never looked back.

What got you into art? Influences?

When I first began drawing, I was majorly interested in Anime and the Japanese-style of art and animation. I would copy entire manga pages into my sketchbooks. I eventually moved into a style influenced by Jhonen Vasquez before refining it as my own. These days, I draw some inspiration from classic illustrators like James Jean and Jason Seiler, as well as vector artists like Seattle's own ENFU and Jared Nickerson.

Do you dabble in other types of art? What specifically?

I started with graphite and ink drawings, which majorly influences my current caricature work, but most of my personal projects these days are digital. I love creating vector art in Adobe Illustrator for web, animation or just illustration purposes and use all of these methods for freelance projects. I also enjoy Photoshop concept art speed paintings and have been known to dabble in acrylic painting as well.

What caricature themes are you the most excited to create?

I love drawing themes that are totally unique to the person. I am a big fan of a lot of animated TV shows out there such as "Rick & Morty", "Adventure Time", "Steven Universe" and "Bob's Burgers"and would love to draw more caricature themes in those styles. I also love drawing the really specific themes. You want to be a zombie cyborg riding a narwal through outer space? I got you, buddy!

What's your favorite caricature story?

I was drawing this little 6-year-old girl who was so excited she could not stop talking. She must have monologued throughout the entire Full Color Theme I was drawing for her. She eventually got so antsy that she tried to get up and see the drawing before it was done. I covered it up and chided her, saying "You can't see until it's done. The rule is, peekers get mustaches drawn on them!" Her face dropped dead serious, she stared at me silently for a full 10 seconds before saying, "If you did that, I would punch you in the face."

Why are you the best choice for special event entertainment?

Because I love giving every single person a unique experience! I go out of my way to make sure every caricature has some unique quality to it so that person can really feel like I captured them, not justput their hairstyle on a form-fit template. My goal is to motivate anyone into starting a caricature collection and really feeling like they got the value out of hiring me!


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