Ranee S. Testimonial

Customer Testimonials

[via Yelp]
OTLA was recommended to us for an event by another vendor as the best caricature artists they've seen at the MANY events they have worked.
Ranee S.
Seattle, WA

OTLA was recommended to us for an event by another vendor as the best caricature artists they've seen at the MANY events they have worked.  Nolan was professional and pleasant throughout the experience.  He was flexible and was willing to add an additional hour to the contracted time a few days prior, when we realized we wanted him for longer.
Nolan's price was competitive an his drawings were wonderful.  So often caricatures don't really look like the people sitting for them, however, often times I walked by the drawings and knew exactly who Nolan was drawing.  This was a popular activity at our event and I'm not sure Nolan even had a chance to stand up and walk around, and yet he was still positive and upbeat at the end of 4 hours.  
We will book Nolan again for our event next year.